
Text Your Ex

Lets You Co-Parent Effectively Under Stress

Make the best decisions for your kids during divorce with Text Your Ex

Make it Easy to Stay Focused on Your Kids!

Make Rational Decisions About Your Kids

Don’t let either parent be influenced by negative emotions.  Get the Best Outcomes for your Kids!

Stay Focused on Your Kids' Present & Future

Focus only on what’s best for your kids today, don’t relive old arguments.

Make Exchanges Easy for You & Your Kids

Feel confident that face-to-face meetings won’t lead to fighting.

Text Your Ex helps you communicate with your co-parent when things aren’t going the way you want.  We provide a way to make logical decisions about what’s best for your children even when it seems like you and your Ex will never agree on anything.  No matter the problem – there is a solution!

We stop conflict and create a way to have calm, rational discussions.  We want to help you be the best parent you can be!

Text Your Ex helps you communicate with your co-parent when things aren’t going the way you want.  We provide a way to make logical decisions about what’s best for your children even when it seems like you and your Ex will never agree on anything.  No matter the problem – there is a solution!

We block conflict and create a way to have calm, rational discussions.  We want to help you be the best parent you can be!

We Help You Keep Frustration with Your Ex Separate from Decisions About Your Kids

You and your Ex both want your children to grow up to be happy, healthy, and productive humans.  For the most part, you probably agree on what’s important for your kids.  So why is it so difficult to figure out how to handle day-to-day issues? 

You and your Ex have a lot of history and emotions get in the way of having rational, productive conversations.  When stress levels are high, it doesn’t take much to have surges of anger, sadness, and frustration.  When these feelings resurface, people risk making decisions about their kids when they are not at your best.  Text Your Ex helps you (or your Ex) refocus on what’s important – doing what is right for your children, not what someone wants done to the other person.

Text Your Ex removes the emotions from your relationship so you can focus solely on what is going to be the best for your kids.

reset your relationship with your co-parent so you always focus on the kids with Text Your Ex

Kids Want to Be Loved By Both Parents

always make the best decisions for your kids during divorce with Text Your Ex

Don't Get Sidetracked From What's Important

We Keep Conversations Focused Just on the Kids and Their Futures

Every time you have a conversation with your Ex you’re not just talking about getting the kids to school on time or how much their expenses should be.  You’re re-living all of the emotions of when you were together and everything it took to break you apart.  It just takes one phrase, one look, one sigh, and a productive conversation falls apart. 

You know what you would like to say, you know what you should say, but with everything that has happened between you and your Ex, it’s really hard to get the right words to come out. Even when you or your Ex have the best intentions and make a real effort, sometimes it just doesn’t work.  Even when people try to say the right thing the language that they use doesn’t always convey what they really mean. 

That’s why putting a message into neutral, universal language can help you hear things in a different way and when a message is from a third party you automatically become more receptive to its content.  We don’t allow any comments to slip through that aren’t just about the kids.

We Make Exchanges Easier for You & Your Kids

Stress makes it much harder for you (or your Ex) to control emotions, think and act rationally, and be objective.  If every conversation with your Ex is filled with emotional outbursts and fights, then of course interactions with your Ex are going to be EXHAUSTING! If your stress goes up as soon as you think about talking to your Ex, then your job of co-parenting becomes incredibly more difficult.

Whatever the issue is, there is a solution and you will find a way to make it all work.  It’s not the problem that is holding you back, it is all the emotion that accompanies separation. Once you have started solving these problems in a productive way, the stress of talking to your Ex starts to decline. 

If you can approach the issue of co-parenting without any anxiety or dread, your stress level stays low.  This makes it easier to interact with your Ex at exchanges and make things easier for your children: things get better, life gets easier.    

be the best parent you can be during divorce by using Text Your Ex

Kids Need You to be at Your Best

Be the Best Parent You Can Be!

Communicate in a way that will result in raising happy, healthy, and productive humans.

Let US Text your Ex!

find out how to co-parent without conflict by using Text Your Ex

Use your Energy to Parent,
not Fight with your Co-Parent.

Don't let your Ex ruin your mood for hours or days!

Don't get stuck in the same relationship as before your divorce!

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To Begin Your package:

After you contact us via text or email, we'll have your message sent to your ex and send you confirmation!

co-parent in a new way before, during and after separation or divorce

Your Package is Valid for 60 Days

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