Text Your Ex
Resets Your
Co-Parenting Relationship

Transition to Your New Life in a Better Way!
Stay Out of Court & Away from Attorney Fees
Solve problems quickly and effectively.
Establish a Different Way of Communicating
Break old patterns of communication and fully transition from a romantic partnership to a parenting partnership.
Improve Co-Parenting with Your Ex
Get rid of the stress and dread of dealing with you Ex. Make things better.
Sometimes it seems impossible to leave behind all of the emotions that got you to this moment in order to move forward with your life. Text Your Ex gives you some space and distance so that you can focus on yourself and your kids without constantly struggling to communicate with your Ex. Text your Ex helps you define new boundaries and smoothly transition from romantic partners to parenting partners so that it’s easy to always do what’s best for your kids.

Text Your Ex Helps You
Reset Your Relationship
Transition to Your New Life in a Better Way!
Sometimes it seems impossible to leave behind all of the emotions that got you to this moment in order to move forward with your life. Text Your Ex gives you some space and distance so that you can focus on yourself and your kids without constantly struggling to communicate with your Ex. Text your Ex helps you define new boundaries and smoothly transition from romantic partners to parenting partners so that it’s easy to always do what’s best for your kids.

Stay Out of Court & Away From Attorney Fees
You can solve your problems without spending time and money on the legal system. By learning how to work things out, and not rely on a Judge to make the decisions, you set yourself up for a happier future and give your kids a more peaceful childhood.
Life is messy and complicated and comes with a lot of chaos. Text Your Ex helps organize your world by taking your problems and complaints and working out how everything fits into deciding what is best for your kids.
We help you :
- Define the problem;
- Brainstorm solutions;
- Discuss all the parties’ needs;
- Come to an agreement on what’s best for your kids.
We don’t advocate for either party. We don’t offer counseling or legal advice. We help you have productive conversations by organizing your thoughts and goals and putting your messages in universal and neutral language. You and your Ex are still in charge and will never feel any pressure – we just give you a better way to communicate about your children.

Don't Call Your Attorney for Every Problem

Make the Best Decisions for Your Kids

We Help You Establish a New Way to Communicate as Co-Parents
Too often, both parents have the best intentions for their kids but with all of the hurt and anger that has happened in their romantic relationship, things get sidetracked. When you have a high level of stress and a history of conflict, it is almost impossible to stay open-minded and objective. People get locked into a set position, even if it’s not the outcome that they would normally choose. Making decisions for your kids is important, and every decision should be a rational one!
It’s always easier to communicate and express yourself with a neutral third party than someone with whom you have a history. With Text Your Ex, because you are not talking directly to your Ex, you can approach the issue with a more objective outlook and listen with more neutral ears. Instead of engaging in a battle of wills, you can brainstorm options and openly discuss the pros and cons of different ways to give your kids their best life.
After a few positive outcomes, it becomes easier to discuss your children as Co-Parents and not have a conversation with just your ‘Ex’.

Improve Your Co-Parenting Quickly & Easily
After people are separated, they often feel like they don’t have as much to lose so they are not careful with what they say and that can make things a lot worse. Letting communication continue to decline can drive you further away from where you want to be and make it more difficult to get to someplace good.
Stepping away from the constant dread, anxiety, and stress of dealing with your Ex gives you room to breathe and focus on the other challenges of building your new life. Once you have some distance between your old habits and patterns of communication, you can redefine and transform you relationship with your Ex.
When you’ve had positive, conflict-free interactions and have been able to work out disagreements in a healthy and productive way, you can begin to see how things really can be better.
Text Your Ex is there when you need us. We help you find a better way to communicate now, and in the future, so that co-parenting becomes easy and stress-free. It’s what’s best for you and it’s what’s best for your kids.
We want the transition to your new life to be everything you want it to be.

Don't Let Your Kids' Childhood be Just About Divorce
Create the Co-Parenting Relationship that You Want & Your Kids Want
Break the cycle of conflict and begin a different relationship with your Ex.
Make the life you want the life you have!
Let US Text your Ex!

Use your Energy to Parent,
not Fight with your Co-Parent.
Don't let your Ex ruin your mood for hours or days!
Don't get stuck in the same relationship as before your divorce!