
Stage 2: Divorce Proceedings

Find Out How to Minimize Conflict!

Here are Your &

Send us a typical message you get from your Ex and we’ll show you what it looks like when it’s clear, concise and POLITE!

Stage 2: Divorce Proceedings

You have an attorney, you have temporary orders in place, but you are still a few months away from a final order.

Here Are Your

Send us a typical message you get from your Ex and we’ll show you what it looks like when it’s clear, concise and POLITE!

Find Out How to Minimize Conflict!

Plan of Action
stay focused on your kids in the middle of divorce proceedings with Text Your Ex


Transitioning from a family with 1 home to a family with 2 homes is stressful!
Children do not like change: make sure your kids have a known routine & Stick To The Schedule!
Keep your kids protected from parental conflict! Children think parents' fighting is THEIR fault!

Flexibility is always good, but kids need routine and predictability to feel safe.  Of course you should work together and make allowances for things that come up, but try to keep changes to a minimum.  Do everything you can to stick to your schedule – don’t miss days and don’t be late!  Your kids are worried; being there on time every time and frequent exchanges gives your kids a tremendous amount of security during this very chaotic time.

No matter how much you try to convince them otherwise, kids of all ages feel like parental conflict is their fault!  They don’t understand how ‘family’ can stop loving each other and if it is because of something they did, then maybe they have some control and can make it better.  The only way to really ‘fix’ this is to NOT fight with your Co-Parent!  Let your kids be kids and not ‘children of divorce’!

Find Out What Will Help Your Kids the Most

Read 'Sandcastle's Guide to Divorce', look at Kids-2-Kids Internet Program & Divorce Classes for Children

Make Sure Your Parenting Plan is the Best One for Your Kids

Keep going to mediation! Make sure your parenting plan is specific and is working for your kids as circumstances change.

Wrap Your Kids in a Protective Bubble

Keep your kids away from parental conflict. Give yourself some time and space and focus on your KIDS - NOT your Ex!

get the divorce and co-parenting resources you need with Text Your Ex

Utilize a Network of Support

If you're keeping it together enough to be there for your kids - you are doing GREAT! If the stress is too much to take care of yourself and your children's changing behavior, know that this is a very common problem!

There are so many resources out there!  You can get personalized 1-on-1 coaching or counseling, support groups that are interactive or require nothing.  Books, people, podcasts, websites, meetups . . .  Don’t get frustrated if you don’t find the perfect help at first – there is something that will fit you! 

There are so many resources out there!  You can get personalized 1-on-1 coaching or counseling, support groups that are interactive or require nothing.  Books, people, podcasts, websites, meetups . . .  Don’t get frustrated if you don’t find the perfect help at first – there is something that will fit you! 

Find Any Resource You Could Want!

Mediators, Counselors, Coaches, Parenting Support, In-Person Groups, Online Groups, Websites, Blogs, Articles, Hints & Tips, Books, Podcasts & More!

What to Look for in Counselors

How to find a counselor to help you though the sticky times.

Sign Up for a Brainstorming Session

Get pointed to the right resource for your problem and develop specific steps to get through to the end of your divorce and make your life what you want it to be.

Shed Unnecessary Stress

Your body and brain can only handle so much stress: kids, finances, unprecedented change - that's plenty!
Get rid of any unnecessary stress you can so you can focus on other aspects of your life that are more important - like your KIDS!

Someday you and your Ex will be able to have polite, productive conversations but today might not be that day.  If every communication with your Ex causes stress just know that it doesn’t have to be that way.  If you have a huge fight every time you ask for expenses or bring up a parenting concern, things can get better for you.  By giving yourself some some space and time, you can let hard feelings pass and then co-parent in an easier way.  Let US text your Ex!

get the resources you need when going through a divorce with Text Your Ex

Someday you and your Ex will be able to have polite, productive conversations but today might not be that day.  If every communication with your Ex causes stress just know that it doesn’t have to be that way.  If you have a huge fight every time you ask for expenses or bring up a parenting concern, things can get better for you.  By giving yourself some some space and time, you can let hard feelings pass and then co-parent in an easier way.  Let US text your Ex!

Let a 3rd Party Negotiate For You!

At Text Your Ex, trained mediators help clarify your goals and talk to your Ex for you. You get Productive & POLITE communication about your kids every time!

Use Judicial Parenting Coaches

Check out your local court system to see if they have Parenting Coordinators who will be a point of communication between you and your Ex.

Locate Counseling Resources

Get in person or on-line help to find ways to minimize and alleviate stress.

keep things moving in court with your divorce with Text your Ex

Keep Things Moving In Court

Make sure things don't get bogged down. You don't have to rush, but make sure your divorce proceedings don't grind to a halt.

The average divorce takes one year.  It’s not uncommon for a divorce to take up to 2 years.  Life probably won’t change too much before you get the final order and after you get the final order but there are things you can do to help make progress with your case if things are not moving at the pace you would like.  

Keep Your Attorney on Track

Evaluate if your attorney is doing everything they can to keep things moving and if there is something you can do to jump-start things that have stalled.

Go Back to Mediation

If your divorce is uncontested you can get a final order really fast! Try mediation again, it's worth it!

Take the Necessary Steps to be Finished

Figure out exactly what needs to happen to get your divorce before the Court. We can help walk you through it and make a plan.

Make the Transition to Your New Life as
Easy As Easy As Possible

Let Text Your Ex!

The divorce/separation process is awful! Don't make it harder than it needs to be! Know that you will get through this, your kids will be okay, and you have a new life waiting. Protect yourself from conflict and stress until things have settled.

Of course you need to learn how to communicate with your Ex!  You will!  
The secret is not to let things get any worse.  If you can keep the hard feelings and hurtful words to a minimum, things will be much easier!  By getting affordable help from Text Your Ex, you are setting yourself up for a better future.

find out how to co-parent without conflict by using Text Your Ex

Use your Energy to Parent,
not Fight with your Co-Parent.

We must let go of the life we have planned to find the one that is waiting for us.

Joseph Campbell
thank you for using Text Your Ex co-parenting services

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After you contact us via text or email, we'll have your message sent to your ex and send you confirmation!

co-parent in a new way before, during and after separation or divorce

Your Package is Valid for 60 Days

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Tell us what you think, What you want, or how we can help!

find a divorce mediator with text your ex

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Please allow 24 hours for a response.