How Good Are You at Bedtime Stories?
What Story Can You Write to Describe Your New Life?

Write a new story for your post-divorce life

In order to make a better transition from ‘together’ to ‘apart’ and begin to make sense of this new direction your life has taken, tell a story around your journey. Think about who you were, who you want to be, and how you are going to overcome this obstacle to find personal growth and fulfillment. Getting through this hard time automatically makes you a strong, resilient person; someone who can create a new happily ever after and be a hero in their story.

It’s Better to Ask for What You Want than to Complain About Not Having It.

say what you want don't complain about not having it, become an expert negotiator with your Ex

So many times even when we make an effort to get along with an Ex, we can’t break our patterns of communication. We say things and hear things the way we always have. One way to begin better communication is to think about what we want and be direct in saying it. If we can be confident in our request, we create new space to negotiate and come to a mutual resolution where both parties can start to think about things in a more neutral and objective way.

What to do when Divorce is Not Enough. Your Divorce is Final but You’re Still Trapped in an Unhappy Union.

don't stay in the same bad relationship as before your divorce.

Sometimes we get so locked into how we see the world and the people in our lives it is hard to move forward. If you can focus on your kids and learn to detach from your Ex, you may be able to fully separate from the marriage that was not your life’s true plan. Don’t stay trapped in the same bad marriage after you’re divorced – things can change!

What Does a “Parenting Plan” Mean for You & Your Kids?

why you need a parenting plan at every stage of your divorce

Feeling like you have ‘set time’ with your own children can be a horrible feeling. But the only thing worse than parenting by a detailed schedule is NOT following a set schedule! Following a detailed parenting plan gives your kids the security they need during this tumultuous time and helps limit conflict. Make your parenting plan your top priority!

Secrets for Co-Parenting Success You Can’t Live Without

Secrets of co-parenting success that you can't live without

Learning how to transition to a new way of parenting is TOUGH! For your kids, living in two homes can be confusing and difficult. Part of making things easier for your kids is getting along with your co-parent. Part of getting along with your co-parent is reevaluating how you will parent in this new reality. Figuring out what is, and what is not, within your control will help you make the most of every moment you have with your kids. Divorce gives you the opportunity to rethink who you want to be and what it looks like to be the best parent you can be.

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