How Did I Get Here? My God, What Have I Done?

Divorce advice via the Talking Heads

When we wake up and realize life is not what we imagined it would be, it creates a split in us. The best way to heal that divide is to look deep inside and find out who you are and what you want and then you will be equipped to start down a new path. Growth is hard because it is always partnered with change and grief but it is mankind’s greatest pursuit to always be wanting to be better and find greater fulfillment.

Don’t Let Your Ex Control You Through Anger

Don't let your Ex control you through anger

Don’t stay in the same relationship that led to your separation. When your Ex pushes your buttons and keeps making you angry, it’s a way they can stay in control and keep you tied to the relationship. Find a way to communicate with your Ex that creates strong boundaries and allows you to discuss mutual goals for your kids without the anger. As soon as you can become indifferent to your Ex’s behavior, life will be a lot easier.

Children Are the Ultimate Narcissists (and that’s OKAY!)

let kids be kids and think about their lives instead of about divorce let kids be kids during divorce

Kids need to be able to focus on themselves in order to grow up to be healthy, happy and productive humans. If they have to worry about adult relationships or divorce, it’s just too much for their brains and affects their development. Children of ALL ages need to just be kids, regardless of how their family is structured. No matter what has happened between you and your Ex, your relationship with your child is never ending and keeping it separate and apart from conflict will help your kids grow up to be well adjusted adults.

Hey Ex! Things Are Changing – SURPRISE!!!

Get the co-parenting relationship you want by taking your Ex by SURPRISE! get along after divorce

One of the biggest things holding you back is falling into old habits and patterns of communication! If you can find a way to establish better ways of communicating your life will get a lot easier. Doing the same thing isn’t going to help you so do something different, and take your Ex by SURPRISE! By catching your Ex off guard, you’ll be able to get different responses. You’ll be on your way to a new relationship where you can co-parent without conflict.

How to Go From ‘X’ to ‘Ex’

How to go from 'X' to 'Ex'

You may have a secret wish to never see your Ex again, but you know that’s not what is good for your kids. Learning how to detach yourself and keep your Ex from driving you crazy will go a long way in making everyone’s life better. Here are some tips to help you transition from wanting your Ex to be gone, to thinking of your co-parent as someone who cares about, and wants the best for your kids.

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